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Incident Investigation Training 

Orana Skills Centre are accredited Safety Wise facilitators. Please note that any link clicked below will take you directly to Safety Wise website. Please press 'back' to return to Orana Skills Centre site.

ICAM (Incident Cause Analysis Method) is an industrial HSE initiative that draws on the work of the eminent organisational psychologist and human error expert Professor James Reason. ICAM provides a highly practical and structured method in which to conduct systemic HSE investigations.

Designed for HSE, operations and maintenance supervisory personnel who will lead or facilitate low level event investigations and will be called upon to participate in high level events and then lead when experienced.

Upon completion of this course participants will be able to:


  • Lead / facilitate the investigation of significant incidents

  • Provide support and advise on investigation quality issues

  • Recognise the need for an investigation

  • Understand the 10 elements of an investigation

  • Lead the investigation of an incident and collection of data

  • Interview victims and witnesses

  • Differentiate human error types and violations

  • Understand ICAM incident causation model

  • Apply ICAM to determine root causes of incidents

  • Make recommendations to prevent recurrence and reduce risk


Safety Wise is a Registered Training Organisation (#21871). An optional assessment is available to attendees who wish to attain the nationally accredited Unit of Competency, BSBWHS515 – Lead initial response to and investigate WHS incidents


For full details on your rights as a learner, including refunds and support services to assist you undertake this learning, please Click Here


To enquire about an in-house ICAM course, please click here.

Upcoming ICAM Courses

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